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Danko Arlington Saluted at Jericho Event

Danko Arlington was saluted at a Christmas party held by Episcopal Community Services of Maryland on the 16th of December, 2009, at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church in downtown Baltimore City.

Mr. Quay Rich, Job Development Specialist at ECSM’s Jericho program, presented John Danko with a painted clay brick for establishing a climate of compassion in the hiring of recent Jericho graduates.

The ordinary brick, painted with the words “Tearing down walls ~ Building Futures,” is a fitting symbol of the importance of how one small part contributes to the strength of a whole structure.

Gifts of bricks, rocks, coal or stones during Christmas are traditionally unwelcomed, particularly by children who have misbehaved during the past year. The Jericho brick gift, however, brings special meaning to the ‘Reason for the Season’ and will be cherished by Danko Arlington for years to come.