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Spring Breakers Ride the Wave of Technology at Danko Arlington



Baltimore Robotics Center LogoBaltimore Robotics Center at Danko

Ask most students what the first thing that comes to mind when they think of Spring break, and they will probably reply with thoughts of surf, sand, and sun.  Ask some hard-core members of this year’s Baltimore Robotics team, and their response would be riding the wave of technology at Danko Arlington, especially watching a 3-D robot printer spread tiny layers of sand and glue heated by a sun-like infrared lamp – known as Phenolic Direct Binding (PDB).

On April 9th, 2018, Danko Arlington hosted select high school students from the Baltimore Robotics Center to tour its new Additive Manufacturing Center.  Included were team’s Executive Director, Ed Mullin, and Executive Director of the Maryland Governor’s Workforce Development Board (GWIB), Mike DiGiacamo.

During the visit, the group was able to witness how automation principles are applied to 3-D printed sand molds used for metalcasting. By seeing robotics at work in industry, the students now have a better understanding how their basic knowledge can be applied in their future.   No doubt, tours like this one will encourage today’s youth to consider a career in tomorrow’s advanced manufacturing.